Get a Colorado Chronic Condition Plan from Clear Spring Health
$0 plans with extra benefits you can plan on.
- $0 Monthly Premiums
- Up to $720 Over-the-Counter Benefit a Year*
- 12 Trips to Health Appt.
- Up to $1,200 Annually for Groceries**
- Up to $600 Annually for Utilities**
- Up to $2,000 in Dental Benefit*
In Colorado, multiple chronic diseases such as kidney disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, or diabetes currently afflict 40% of people age 65 and older. If you suffer from a chronic illness, you may apply for a Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP) designed for your unique needs.
*Benefits vary by plan
**A health risk assessment (HRA) must be submitted. Must have a qualifying chronic illness that may include cancer, dementia, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and strokes. Not available on PPO plans.

Talk to An Agent to Learn More About Plan Benefits
All-in-one Chronic Condition Plans in Colorado
Premium: | $0 |
Doctor Visits, Primary Care: | $0 copay |
Specialists: | $0 copay for Endocrinologist Specialist. $25 copay for all other Specialists. |
Prescription Drug Deductible: | $250 applies to Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5. |
Groceries: | Up to $100 a month. A health risk assessment (HRA) must be submitted and have a qualifying chronic illness that may include cancer, dementia, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and strokes. |
Utilities: | Up to $50 a month. A health risk assessment (HRA) must be submitted and have a qualifying chronic illness that may include cancer, dementia, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and strokes. |
Refer to the Evidence of Coverage for full benefit details